The Second StoRIES Summer School 2024, entitled Hybrid energy storage and application-oriented solutions in EU, will be held in Rome, Italy between 3 June and 6 June 2024.
The main objective of the Summer School is not only to provide a general overview of a combination of various energy storage technologies (electrochemical, chemical, thermal, electrical and mechanical energy storage), but to also suggest innovative hybrid solutions at different levels (from industrial-, to grid-, microgrid-, and domestic-scale applications) for early-career researchers (MSc, PhD students and postdoctoral researchers within 2 years after PhD).
Experts will share insights on the issues related to hybrid energy storage applications.
Please note there is no registration fee for the summer school. Registration includes access to all summer school sessions, coffee breaks, lunch and dinner free of charge as part of the programme. Please also note that accommodation, visa, travel costs and any other expenses are not covered. Participants are responsible for making their own arrangements in this regard.
The deadline for the application is 21 March 2024. Applicants will be informed about the result of their application by e-mail after the deadline. The schedule of the summer school and detailed information will be available online soon.
Apply here.