GenEERAtion net-zero: The road travelled, the path forward

The ''GenEERAtion net-zero: The road travelled, the path forward'' video campaign showcases EERA’s leadership in low-carbon energy research and amplifies the voices of its dedicated researchers who are driving the efforts towards Europe’s climate objectives.

Watch the videos below to explore the potential of EERA’s extensive and one-of-a-kind network to advance Europe’s decarbonisation and climate neutrality goals.

This first video dives into what sets EERA apart from other organisations in the field and, particularly, how the Alliance is turning the concept of cross-cutting collaboration into reality through high-quality international research led by our 18 Joint Programmes covering the whole spectrum of challenges related to the Clean Energy Transition.

In this clip, the core foundation of EERA’s work is explored and the added value of being a member is highlighted. Joining EERA not only facilitates unparalleled knowledge exchange but also bolsters robust, high-quality, interdisciplinary research efforts within the field of clean energy.

This video gathers firsthand accounts of the vital benefits EERA provides to our prominent research community, from the benefits of true collaboration in energy research across Europe, knowledge sharing across various fields, and stronger connections and interaction with policymakers and industry players.


This video turns the spotlight on EERA Joint Programme Energy Systems Integration (JP ESI), as Coordinator Laurens de Vries highlights the programme’s work as a key driving force behind the EERA efforts to expand the network and footprint on the most topical challenge of integrating the European energy system.


This video hears from EERA JP e3s Coordinator Alessandro Sciullo, as he explains the work the programme has been carrying out over the past number of years and its relevance in advancing the integration of societal, environmental, and economic dimensions in the development of key energy technologies.

In this clip, the importance of ensuring research coordination to connect key initiatives in the geothermal field at a European level is explored by the programmes’ Coordinator David Bruhn.


In this video, the focus is shifted to our Executive Committee and its role in steering EERA’s strategic approach. Notably, EERA’s newly elected President Henk-Jan Vink delves into the beneficial work of the alliance in both ensuring a systemic perspective when addressing the energy transition and engaging in high-level discussions with policymakers to translate and coordinate policies at national and European levels.

In this video, Joint Programme on Energy Efficiency in Industrial Processes (JP EEIP) Coordinator, Yvonne van Delft, explores the essential added value of the programme through its ability to forge connections with policymakers and industrial networks across Europe, enhance knowledge sharing and exchange, and facilitate a ‘market-place’ for setting up new European proposals.

Join EERA Joint Programme Photovoltaic Solar Energy Coordinator, Ivan Gordon, as he explores the key role of this group of experts in acting as a prominent research pillar throughout Europe in photovoltaic solar energy, while also pointing to the added value of EERA in facilitating essential collaboration with the wider industry in this field. 

The final video of our ‘‘GenEERAtion net-zero: The road travelled, the path forward” campaign gives the floor to the EERA Joint Programme on Energy Storage. As detailed by Programme Coordinator Myriam E. Gil Bardají, this video delves into the crucial role of energy storage in achieving the clean energy transition.


Our community's viewThe added value of EERA as told through our research community