
EERA membership is open to any entity or organisation actively involved in energy research with seat and main administration in a member state of the EU, a candidate country of the EU or a country associated to the EU framework programme for research & innovation.

Organisations must comply with one of the following criteria:

  • Public body

  • Non-profit legal entity

  • A group of entities

Download EERA statutes

Why join?

EERA is the largest energy research network in Europe. As a member of EERA, you can participate in one or more of our Joint Programmes and work together with expert colleagues from all over Europe on commonly defined research priorities, make new contacts and advance your own research

Watch the clip below to discover more about the added value of being an EERA member, with firsthand accounts from our researchers on the vital benefits EERA provides, from enhanced collaboration in energy research across Europe, to knowledge sharing across various fields, and stronger connections and interaction with policymakers and industry players.   



Membership opportunities    EERA Community Activities 1            


  • Excellent research
  • Agenda setting
  • Strategic initiatives
  • Knowledge sharing
  • Networking
  • Joint programming
Learn more about EERA

How to join us?

Being part of the EERA community is based on two pillars:

  1. The participation in one or several EERA Joint Programmes
  2. The membership in the EERA association (EERA aisbl)

Both pillars are mandatory – it is not possible to be a member of EERA aisbl without participating in at least one Joint Programme and vice versa.

The process is as follows: 

Your first point of contact – whether you are already a member of EERA or not – is the Joint Programme (JP) you want to join. EERA covers the whole range of low-carbon energy technologies and addresses systemic topics as well. You can explore all EERA Joint Programmes at this link.

Once you have identified the Joint Programme of your interest, please take the following easy steps:  

  • Get in touch with the Joint Programme Coordinator. (S)he will inform you about the specific application process for that Joint Programme. You can find the name and contact details of the Coordinator on the web page of the Joint Programme.
  • In parallel, if you are not an EERA member yet, you need to fill out a simple form that will help the EERA Secretariat keep track of all new member applications across Joint Programmes. Request the form via email to the EERA Secretariat (
  • Once you have submitted your application with the specific requests of the Joint Programme(s) of your interest, the JP Steering Committee will then assess your application and inform you about their decision.
  • Once the application has been approved, the Joint Programme Coordinator should inform the EERA Secretariat. In case of new members, this is a crucial step as an organization cannot participate in a Joint Programme without being an EERA member. 

See all Joint Programmes

If you are not an EERA member yet, there is a second and imperative step: becoming a member of the association itself. This step does not apply for EERA members that want to join an additional Joint Programme.

  • When you have been approved as a Joint Programme member, the EERA Secretariat will present your application to the EERA Executive Committee.
  • If the EERA Executive Committee approves your application, the Secretariat will contact you for the next steps. These involve a Declaration of Support which has to be signed by a high-level representative from your organisation as well as your registration in EERA's Membership Portal.

Types of membership and fees

EERA is a membership-based association and offers different types of membership and according yearly fees.

Types of membership

    Both the association itself (EERA aisbl) and most of the Joint Programmes have two membership categories: full and associate members. They differ with regard to rights and level of fees.

  • As a full EERA aisbl member, you can be either a full or an associate participant in any Joint Programme.
  • As an associate EERA aisbl member, you can be an associate participant in any Joint Programme. However, you can't be a full participant in a Joint Programme.

Umbrella organisations

    Umbrella organisations are a particular case in EERA:

  • The umbrella organisation itself is always a full member of EERA aisbl and pays the central EERA aisbl fee.
  • The constituent members that are part of an umbrella are automatically associate members of EERA aisbl. They have the according rights and duties but are exempted from the EERA aisbl membership fee.
  • The constituent members of an umbrella can participate in EERA Joint Programmes as associate participants.
  • If they wish to do so, the constituent members of an umbrella can also become a full member of EERA aisbl with the respective rights and duties of a full member.

Membership fee

    EERA's activities are covered to a large extent by a yearly membership fee. This fee is composed of

  • A central fee which, as of 2025, is set at 6,600€/year for full members and 2,200€/year for associate members, plus
  • A participation fee per Joint Programme, which varies between the different Joint Programmes
  • EERA membership 550 x 450 px

    Therefore, the amount to be paid yearly varies from member to member, depending on their type of membership and on their participation in different Joint Programmes.


Joint Programme fees

    In 2023, the following Joint Programme fees apply (full | associate members):

  • AMPEA: no fees
  • Bioenergy: 2,000€ | 1,000€
  • Carbon Capture and Storage: 3,000€ | 1,000€
  • Concentrated Solar Power: no fees
  • e3s: 2,000€ | 1,000€
  • Energy Storage: 3,500€ | 1,500€
  • Energy Efficiency in Industrial Processes: 2,500€ | 500€
  • Energy Systems Integration: 3,000€ | 1,500€
  • Fuel Cells & Hydrogen: no fees
  • Geothermal: 1,200€ | 600€
  • Hydropower: 3,000€ | 1,000€
  • Nuclear Materials: 2,000€ | 500€
  • Ocean Energy: no fees
  • Photovoltaic Solar Energy: 1,500€ | 750€
  • Smart Cities: 2,500€ | --
  • Smart Grids: 3,500€ | 1,500€
  • Wind Energy: 7,500€ | 3,000€