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Eera event 14 September 2023 - Quisisana in Capri, IT

EERA JP ES workshop in conjunction with EFC 23 on: “Exploring similarities, synergies and perspectives of open electrochemical reactors for long duration energy storage”

EERA JP ES workshop in conjunction with EFC 23 on:

“Exploring similarities, synergies and perspectives of open electrochemical reactors for long duration energy storage”

Organized by the EERA Joint Programme on Energy Storage (EERA JPES)

Several technologies are considered for large scale, mid- to long-term electrical energy storage. In this framework electrochemical technologies are characterised by open electrochemical cells, such as electrolysis for several Power2X technologies, metal-air and other open batteries. From the basic principles point of view, these (semi-) open electrochemical cells have many similarities, and face similar challenges when it comes to scale up and materials demand. From an application point of view, decoupling of the electrochemical cell from the storage content opens for large variety of combinations, which to assess depends on technical and non-technical aspects.

The workshop aims at bringing together experts in the field of these semi-open electro -chemical reactors to exchange on cutting-edge research and developments and to answers the following questions:

  • What are the perspectives for each or a combination of these technologies?
  • What are the scientific-technical challenges?
  • How sustainable are current concepts, and how can this be assessed?
  • Which application areas benefit from which power and storage scale?

The workshop is a full day event and will take place on Thursday 14th Sept 2023 at the Grand Hotel Quisisana n Capri, IT (the same location as EFC 23).

Contributions to the following topics are expected:

  1. Needs for long duration storage of electrical energy
  2. Recent developments in
    • flow batteries
    • metal-air batteries
    • electrolysers
    • Power2X technologies
  3. Materials, processes, performance
  4. Operation experience with flow batteries, metal-air and chemical energy storage systems
  5. Applications areas and grid integration
  6. Technology challenges
  7. Sustainability considerations
    • Materials
    • Applications

The workshop is free of charge but only limited places are available. The registration is on  a first come, first serve basis. Registration includes also access to the EFC 23 on Thursday Sept 14th. Participants interested to attend also the EFC 23 conference may benefit for a reduced registration rate to EFC 23 ( HOW, details, special code/personal contact to the organizers).

In order to register for the EERA JP ES workshop please register here. Registration deadline is Friday, 25th August 2023.

Information on the location, accommodation please visit also the EFC 23 website.



Travel information:

Please check out this websites for updates on speakers and content

EERA JP ES: EERA Joint Programme Energy Storage - Home (

LinkedIn: (6) EERA JP-ES Energy Storage: Übersicht | LinkedIn

Practical information


14 Sep 2023


9:00 AM - 6:00 PM


Grand Hotel (the same location as EFC 23


Peter Holtappels
IMVT - Karlsruher Institut für Technologie