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Partner event 18 September 2024 - Brussels

PEPR SPLEEN: Enhancing research in Europe to build a low-carbon industry

Scope of the meeting

The French government has launched low TRL long-term research programmes within the framework of France 2030, a comprehensive investment plan that integrates research, innovation, skills development, demonstration, and large-scale deployment. One of the major areas of focus is the decarbonisation of industry.

The purpose of the meeting "Enhancing research in Europe to build a low-carbon industry" is to present the research programme "PEPR SPLEEN for Industry Decarbonisation" and to align it with the challenges identified by the European Union and its associated policies.

The management of the whole value chain of innovation in the field of decarbonisation technologies is at stake to keep European companies competitive at the international level. In recent months, a new European framework has been established (including the Green Deal Industrial Plan and the Net Zero Industry Act) to pave the way for a sustainable, decarbonised, and competitive industry in Europe. How can research communities support the declared ambition of achieving a climate-neutral EU industry by 2050?

The event, organised in the form of two roundtable discussions, will feature academic participants from universities and RTOs, industry representatives, members of the A-SPIRE association, and representatives from the European Commission. The key topics will include the industrial carbon value chain and the development of circular, fossil-free, and energy-efficient industrial systems.

Register here.

Provisional schedule

8:00-9:00: Welcome coffee

9:00: Keynote on the core issues of research & innovation identified by the EU for the energy transition and the decarbonisation of industry

9:20: Presentation of the French research programme PEPR SPLEEN for the decarbonisation of industry: a way to accelerate the research & development on the pre-identified needs to meet the challenge of the transition of energy-intensive industries

9:35-10:45: First panel discussion

The key challenges of research to develop the value chain of industrial carbon

Coffee break (30 minutes)

11:15-11:35: Keynote on the management of industrial carbon

11:35 – 12:45: Second panel discussion

Research and innovation to develop circular, fossil free and energy efficient industrial systems

12:45 – 13:00: Words of conclusion by a representative of UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organisation)

13:00: Lunch time

Practical information


18 Sep 2024


Maison Irène et Frédéric Joliot-Curie,
Rue du Trône 100, 1050 Ixelles,