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28 April 2021 - Online

Solar Power and Energy Systems Integration in the NECPs: 3rd SUPEERA webinar on Accelerating innovation and uptake of new technologies

Pathways on Energy System Integration and Solar Power

In January 2020, EERA launched the SUPEERA project that supports the implementation of the SET-Plan, integrating it at the same time into the broader context of the Clean Energy Transition.

Among different high-level objectives, the project foresees activities to accelerate innovation and uptake by the industry. To this end, SUPEERA aims at :

  • Analyse the proposed energy measures in the NECPs
  • Promote the dialogue and cooperation model between industry and energy experts
  • Provide coordinated input to decision makers on systemic and cross-sectorial solutions to support the Clean Energy Transition
  • Deliver sectorial, cross/systemic recommendations on R&I priorities to support uptake of new technologies by the industry

In this context, EERA and its partners are facilitating a stakeholder dialogue focused on research and innovation priorities and pathways relevant to the Clean Energy Transition, including the SET-Plan objectives.

The purpose is to define six pathways– and to pilot them during SUPEERA - addressing a range of different realities in regional coverage, maturity and European industrial competitive sectors. These pathways will provide input for recommendations to support the Clean Energy Transition goals and to suggest policy measures, facilitating the cooperation between research and industry. To achieve this purpose, six workshops will be organized in order to discuss and start piloting the selected pathways.

Prior to these knowledge-generating workshops, a series of three webinars is envisaged in order to introduce the selected pathways and set the scene. Based on the discussion and feedback, SUPEERA will draw recommendations to be disseminated later, e.g. towards the European Commission and the Member States and Associated Countries.

The first two webinars (presenting pathways on Hydrogen, Offshore Wind, Energy Storage and Bioenergy) were organized in October 2020 and March 2021, while the remaining one will present pathways on Solar Power and Energy Systems Integration on 28th April 2021.

Final Agenda

  • 10:00 Welcome and objective of the webinar - Ivan Matejak, EERA, Project Coordinator
  • 10:05 
    • Background: Strategy behind defining of pathways - Maria Oksa, VTT, project partner
    • Presentation of two pathways: Key findings on Solar Power and Energy System Integration - Mónica de Juan, EERA, project manager with Suvisanna Correia, VTT, project partner
  • 10:25 Introduction of the speakers - Moderator: Ivan Matejak
    • European Commission Contribution - Eric Fee, DG ENER, European Commission
    • Solar Power
      • EERA Joint Programme Photovoltaics - Franco Roca, JP Representative
      • EERA Joint Programme Concentrated Solar Power - Ricardo Sanchez, JP member
      • ETIP PV - Roch Drozdowski-Strehl, ETIP Vice-Chair, IPVF  
    • Energy Systems Integration
      • EERA Joint Programme Energy Systems Integration - Laurens de Vries, JP Coordinator
      • ETIP SNET - Maria Laura Trifiletti, ETIP Coordinator
  • 11:30 Q&A - Moderator: Barbara Spanò, DTU, project partner
  • 11:45 Conclusions - Ivan Matejak

Post-Webinar Material




Practical information


28 Apr 2021


10:00 AM - 11:45 AM


Ivan Matejak