In January 2020, EERA launched the SUPEERA project aimed at supporting the implementation of the SET Plan, integrating it at the same time into the broader context of the Clean Energy Transition (CET).
Among different high-level objectives, the project aims at raising awareness about the SET Plan and the Clean Energy Transition among research organisations, funding bodies and NCPs from the EU-13 countries and it proposes to widen the activity of those countries towards the SET Plan by facilitating the mobilisation of the identified stakeholders. The activities planned include:
To achieve this purpose, 9 physical workshops will be organised in order to discuss reasons of lower participation of the EU-13 Member States in funding schemes; the state of play of the SET plan as a platform contributing to the realization of the Clean Energy Transition; and the role of the EERA network.
Prior to these workshops which, inter alia, cannot be organised due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a series of three webinars is foreseen to introduce the main aspects and set the scene.
Since the project activity covers also national structures giving support to research organisations related to funding schemes (public institutional and competitive funding, administrative procedure, training etc.), SUPEERA is organising a dedicated webinar of the National Contact Points in EU-13.